
Children's Liturgy

Beginning the 1st Sunday of Advent, the children's liturgy will resume in the church during the Saturday 5:30PM and Sunday 12:00PM Masses. 


(Prayer for protection from the coronavirus)

O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope.

We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.  At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need.  We are certain that you will provide, so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee, joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial.  Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Father’s will and to do what Jesus tells us:  He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us, through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.  We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God.  Do not despise our pleas- we who are put to the test- and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

Pre-Authorized Giving


This new way of supporting the church is now being offered in our parish and many of our parishioners may find this method practical and convenient. Please take a brochure home and see if this new way of giving is right for you.


  First Communions 2025 




FR JOHN KELLY on Sun. Jun. 1 at 3:30PM

DIVINE MERCY on Sun. Apr. 27 at 1:30PM

BLESSED TRINITY-Fr Imm on Sat. June 7 at 2:30PM

HOLY JUBILEE on Sat. May 24 at 2:30PM

BLESSED TRINITY-Eng on Sun. June 8 at 3:30PM

ST. JAMES on Sun. May 25 at 3:30PM

ST DAVID on Sat. June 14 at 2:30PM

⃝Other Catholic, Public and Private schools

After final registrations are completed, dates for public, private and other catholic schools shall be scheduled in consultation with parents, with our Catholic schools or during regular Saturday evening or Sunday Masses, where space is available.


Parental consent & a copy of the Catholic Baptism Certificate will be required.  If you are unable to locate it, contact the Parish of Baptism to obtain a copy of the Baptism Certificate.



The reception of the sacraments is primarily a family andparish event.  The parish determines how the preparation and celebration will take place, in accordance with the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion of Catholic children really begins at Baptism.

The parent accepts the responsibility of training his/her child in the practice of the faith.

The child is on a journey toward participation in the faith and Liturgical life of the Roman Catholic Church.  The Christian community welcomes the newly baptized and supports parents in their responsibility. Parents are the first teachers of their children in the way of faith, especially through personal example.


Preparation is always a family choice.  Catholic School Religious Education programs introduce and familiarize your child with the many teachings of our faith.  Religious Education programs need to be supplemented by direct Sacramental teaching.  

In order to be eligible for immediate sacramental preparation your child must be enrolled in



A large amount of the preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion will be done at home using materials provided by the parish.  What a wonderful way for parent and child to work together towards a deeper understanding of our faith and in particular of these Sacraments.

Children who attend a Public or a Private school (non Catholic school), MUST ATTEND ADDITIONAL RELIGION CLASSES.    

These are ONLY offered on the dates below.  Candidates of Public and Private school must attend ALL Classes.  We expect that at least 1 parent accompany & assist their child in these classes.  (PLEASE DO NOT BRING SIBLINGS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED IN THE PROGRAM TO THESE CLASSES).  

Please plan vacations and your children's extra-curricular activities around our dates and class times as we expect your child's catechism and sacrament preparation to be a priority for your family during this time.  

Dates and times to be determined:  in the church hall:   


Who is eligible for First Communion? 

Candidates who:

  • have not already received First Communion at Baptism.  
  • have received First Reconciliation.·
  • regularly attend Mass with parents and can participate in the basic parts of the Mass.
  • understand the meaning of Eucharist.
  •   have parents that attend all parent meetings.


The decision concerning an individual child’s readiness to receive First Communion rests with the child’s parents in consultation with the parish priest and teacher(s).  However, it is the duty of the parish priest to decide if the child is sufficiently prepared (Canon 914).  Adequate preparation is understood to be the successful completion of the initial preparation for this sacrament provided by the parish and taught by the parents.  Additional classes, where these exist, may also be given.  (Norms for Sacramental Preparation, Archdiocese of Toronto, 76)

First Communion Celebration

At St. David’s Parish, First Communion is celebrated as a family event.  Each child receiving communion will be assigned a designated pew and will sit with their immediate family.   Family members will be invited to accompany the child to the altar when he/she receives First Communion.   Family members will be invited to receive communion or a blessing.

Reverence & Comportment

St. David’s church is our sacred place of worship where we need to practice reverent and respectful attitude in our actions & in our modest attire.  (When in the church, keep in mind that bare shoulders, bare backs and revealing clothing should be covered with a shawl, jacket, sweater, etc.)


Simplicity and modesty are always the guiding principle and proper church attire followed.  Children receive Communion with nothing in their hands,  NO ROSARIES, NO GLOVES, ETC.

GIRLS should wear a white dress or garment.  Minimal head coverings are optional.

BOYS should wear a WHITE SHIRT and dress pants which can be of any colour. Suit and tie are optional.

What else can parents do to help?

Attend Mass weekly in church as a family and invite child to attend the Children’s Liturgy of the Word. 

Pray as a family at home, before meals, at bedtime, at other special times, pray the Rosary.

Have family time and make sure you turn off TV and devices, especially during meals to encourage conversation and sharing.

Read the Bible and/or Bible stories especially the New Testament stories of Jesus.

Teach them to respect our world -God’s Creation- and show respect for our environment.

Listen to religious music and learn some of the hymns together.

Search Movie channels & YouTube for children stories about the life of Jesus and watch them together.



-Commitment to St. David's Parish INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS for First Reconciliation and First Communion that we will provide.

-Ensure your child attends Weekend Mass regularly.

-Commitment to attend meetings as outlined.   

-Both parents must sign consent forms for the Parish to administer sacraments.  Where consent of one or both parents is not available, the parish will require legal documents verifying legal guardianship, etc.

(PLEASE NOTE:  Sacraments may be postponed to a future time if Sacrament Candidates are not prepared or are unable to commit to our current Preparation Program & attend meetings as scheduled.)


To prepare to register your child for these sacraments, you will require a valid copy of your child's Catholic Baptism Certificate.  This must be attached to the registration even if your child was baptized at St. David’s Parish.   It is recommended that you locate this certificate and prepare it for registration.  If you cannot locate it, then you will need to contact the parish of your child's baptism to request a replacement.


 Parents will need to provide us with a valid email as we communicate through emails. 



CONFIRMATION 2025 Information



⃝BLESSED TRINITY  -Mon. May 26 at 7:00PM

DIVINE MERCY   -Wed. May 14 at 7:00PM

FR JOHN KELLY    -Wed. May 14 at 7:00PM

HOLY JUBILEE   -Thu. May 15 at 7:00PM

ST. JOAN OF ARC -Thu. May 15 at 7:00PM

 ST DAVID            -Tue. May 27 at 7:00PM

  ST JAMES               -Tue. May 27 at 7:00PM

⃝Other Catholic   & Public & Private schools  -Thu. May 22 at 7:00PM



Parental consent & Catholic Baptism Certificate will be required at a later date, attached to parent consent forms that wil be distributed to parents. Both parents must sign consent forms for the Parish to administer sacraments.   Where consent of one or both parents is not available, the parish will require legal documents verifying legal guardianship, etc. 


To prepare to register your child for these sacraments, you will require a copy of your child's Catholic Baptism Certificate. This must be attached to the registration even if your child was baptized at St. David’s Parish.  It is recommended that you locate this certificate and prepare it for registration. Contact the Parish of Baptism to obtain a copy of the Baptism Certificate if you are unable to locate it.

What Is Confirmation?

When we were baptized, we were welcomed into the life of the Catholic Community.  We entered into a special relationship with God and the community of believers (the Church).  Since that time, our faith has grown and changed.  When you were baptized your parents spoke and acted on your behalf.  Now as a young adult the invitation is extended to you to continue discovering what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. 

In Confirmation, Jesus extends to you a special invitation to share in His friendship, to know Him in a personal way.  He offers to you the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that you may come to enjoy the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

“The fruit of that Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,faithfulness, gentleness and self-control,”  (Gal 5:22)

Make a sincere decision now to experience God’s gift of love for you! 

Learn and experience what being a Roman Catholic is all about!


Requirements for Confirmation

  1. The candidate has been Baptized Catholic and has received the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
  2. The candidate has never received the sacrament of Confirmation (some Eastern rite churches administer Confirmation when the child is baptized.)
  3. The family is registered as members of St. David’s Parish
  4. The candidate attends a Catholic School or is registered in our Religious Education program for Catholic children attending a Public or Private school.
  5. The candidate has a real desire to receive the sacrament.


Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation is a large commitment that must be a priority for the parents and the candidates.    Full participation, in person, is essential.   It is designed to prepare the candidate for the sacrament in four consecutive lessons.  

The Anointed for Mission catechism program is a program that ALL Candidates (Catholic, Public or Private school) must complete,

No switches between classes as Candidates will be assigned to a group.

The program will be administered in the parish hall.



This program will be administered in the parish hall.


The Confirmation Test 

Candidates, accompanied by the sponsor or a parent, will write a final Confirmation test that administered in the church.

(Confirmation will be administered when all requirements are completed.)


Christian Service

 As Christians we are called to serve one another.  We are taught that the more we share the more we receive.  Your Confirmation Preparation time is an occasion for you to experience the great joy of giving and serving others.  Candidates are asked to be of service.  The experiences should be balanced between service for others and service with other parishioners and family members.

A Parent’s Role

Your child has a great need for growing in their own faith, so as a parent please support your child’s decision regarding this sacrament, but never force it.   Jesus always invites.   He never forces people to follow Him.    You are the primary model of faith for your child.  By having shared conversations about faith, prayer, Church and morality, you help your child grow.   A positive attitude gives your child a greater sense of what it means to be a faith-filled Catholic today.  The candidate’s parents will also have the responsibility of encouraging and monitoring Christian service activities.


1.     Ensuring your child attends weekly Masses.

2.     Ensuring your child attends all required parish classes & meetings as scheduled



 You will need to provide us with a valid email when registering your child as we often communicate through emails.


Choosing a Sponsor

The sponsor represents the larger Church, the entire community of believers.   Each candidate must choose a sponsor.  In choosing a sponsor, please note the following rules for eligibility.

It could be the candidate’s Baptismal Godparent, family member, friend, etc. as long as the Sponsor meets the above requirements.  If the Sponsor cannot meet these requirements, they may not be a Sponsor. 

  •  Live a life in keeping with Catholic moral values.
    •  At least 16 years of age(either male and female), or, if under age at the time of Confirmation, approved by the Pastor.
    •  A CATHOLIC who has received all three Sacraments (Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation) and leads a life in harmony with the Catholic Faith.  (i.e. be a good model of faith.)
    •  NOT the parent of the person being Confirmed.
    •  If married, must be married in the Catholic Church and must not be under Canonical Prohibition.  (Which can be caused by an act that places the person in contradiction to Church Teachings or Law., i.e. married outside the Church or living common-law.)   (Canon Law 893 #1)


The Sponsor should also be available to spend time with the candidate during the preparation process and take part in the celebration of the sacrament.


Additional Expectations

  •  Attend Mass on Saturday evenings or Sundays (or during shutdowns) view it on TV or online.
  •  Receive the Sacrament of Confession at least once this year.
  •  Participate in Confirmation Meetings, and parish activities in preparation for Confirmation.
  •  Attend and successfully complete the Anointed for Mission preparation program for Confirmation.
  •  Exhibit a basic knowledge of the faith (The Trinity, Church and Sacraments, Scripture and Gospel Values, Catholic Symbols, Commandments.)
  •  Read the Bible, especially the New Testament (Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles).
  •  Learn some Catholic prayers and pray regularly.


Confirmation for Adults

New dates for Adult Confirmation Classes will be determined in the Fall. 


The adult instruction program is a minimum of 8 weeks of preparation. 




(ENGLISH) (Children’s choir Mass) 5:30PM


(ENGLISH) 9:00AM, 12:00PM and 5:30PM (ITALIAN) 7:30AM and 10:30AM




2025 Sacrament Registrations

Sacraments are for children who have been baptized Catholic and have never received these sacraments before.

This registration is for children of families who are registered parishioners of St. David's and children who attend the Catholic schools within our parish boundaries.  

Non-parishioners will need a letter of permission from the pastor of the church of your local church granting permission for your child to receive sacraments at our parish.

Attendance at our meetings for parents and children is mandatory.  For more information, please attend our meetings.


First Communion Meeting Dates:

At 7:00PM on either

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 or

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Online pre registration is now closed. 

Attend 1 of our meetings for information on how to register. 



Confirmation Meeting:













RCIA & Adult Confirmation 

Forms were due September 6, 2024 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.



Pastoral Staff

  • Rev Martin Varghese Cherumadathy, CFIC, Pastor
  • Fr. Isaias Dulla Argaw, Associate Pastor
  • Emily Dalla Corte, Pastoral Associate
  • Gina Pullano, Pastoral Associate 
  • Bruna Merolle, Parish Secretary
  • Filomena Centofante, Parish Secretary
  • Michael Dennehy, Property Manager

Mailing Address

2601 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Maple, Ontario - L6A 1C6
Tel. 905-832-5595
Fax. 905-832-6524
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Office Hours

Monday to Friday:

  • 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM


  • 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM