
The baptism of a child is a miracle of faith in which the child receives sanctifying grace to live in this world. In this Sacrament of Baptism, the child is welcomed into the Christian community and therefore gains a sense of belonging to God’s family and is embraced by God’s unconditional love.

What are the Parents’ responsibilities?

The nurturing and education of our children requires great care and total commitment from the parents. This same care and attention must be given to all aspects of the child’s growth and development. You, as the child’s parents are the primary caregivers as well as the first teachers of faith. 
To fulfill this responsibility and commitment, parents guide the child by Christian example. Parents should develop a personal relationship with God, nurtured by a healthy prayer life and regular Mass attendance.


What is the role of the Godparents ?

When choosing Godparents, please keep in mind that they also must be fully initiated in the Roman Catholic Church through the reception of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, and they must be practicing members of the Catholic Church who are at least 16 years of age. If they are married, they must be validly married in the Catholic Church. (ie. not living common-law). You may have only one Godparent. If you choosetwo they must be one male and one female.
Their role is to assist parents in the Christian formation of the child, helping to nurture this “tiny seed of faith” within the child.


- Please contact the Parish Office if you require additional information about the necessary pre-Baptismal preparation.

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