

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is intended for all the unbaptized.
The rite is concerned with unbaptized adults and children of catechetical age.

Please contact the Parish Office for further information.


Two factors must be taken into consideration in the process of conversion.

  1. where the person is on his or her faith journey, since every person is unique.
  2. the work of the Holy Spirit, the One who inspires and guides the process of conversion.

The emphasis in the initiation process is on:

  • one’s relationship with God,
  • commitment to Christ,
  • conversion and discipleship.


This involves our head, heart and hands.

We know the Lord, love the Lord and serve the Lord.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults includes times of formation known as periods.

At the end of each period the Church celebrates a major liturgical rite.

The liturgical rites are milestones that mark the initiation journey.

We begin with a time of evangelization:

  • we faithfully and constantly proclaim the living God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent for the salvation of all.
  • the word of God  is the story of Jesus Christ.
  • we may also meet some obstacles
  • our culture’s image of God is not always in harmony with the image that Jesus Christ proclaimed.

You are inquirers and you come with:

  • lived experience,
  • customs,
  • traditions and
  • an image of God.


By faithfully proclaiming the good news that Jesus taught, we are able to invite you to reflect on your own lives and how you have encountered our living God.



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